DSC01796.JPG 剛看完"邦喬飛的Live演唱會"今天早上9:00全球同步播出從紐約,真的還是蠻震撼的,雖然他們年紀變大了,但是在舞台上的魅力一樣不減當年。想當初高中時候的我,剛跟他們認識的時候,各個都不知道在搖滾甚麼的,每次看他們演出的時候都有一種振奮人心的感覺,歌曲歌詞風格也都是以激勵、勉勵人心為主,像是大家最熟希的"it's my life"what do you got"living on a prayer""have a nice day"等等,非常多。讓這麼不喜歡提當年的我,還真的不由自主的想起了當年,以前玩音樂的時候真的很瘋狂,常常逗留的地方除了"阿麼的古老撞球室"外,就是學校社團教室、樂器行和練團室,放學回家一定馬上拿起吉他開始狂練,練到忘記吃飯或是直接抱著吉他睡著,一路從木吉他到電吉他再到組團都是沒有停過的,光是我自己的房間就擺了五把吉他,連來打掃的婆婆都知道我喜歡吉他(因為她把別人的吉他拿來送我,哈哈!)(先說好是別人不要的啦,她是好人)而且我還記得有一把是拿老媽要我幫老哥買電子辭典的5,000元去買的,因為剛好路過樂器行門口,看著櫥窗上掛著它,好像在對我說把它帶回家,所以就近去買下它了,前後不到十分鐘,而且錢還不夠,因為它價值10,000塊,所以只好跟老闆凹一下給我分期付款,是說也奇怪,回家的時候老媽沒看到電子辭典反而看到我背一把新的吉他都不覺得奇怪ㄝ,是說我也想好對策了啦,只要她一問我,我就說現場沒貨要先訂,然後趕快躲進房間假裝讀書就好了,哈哈~我果然還是夠聰明的!而且還不只這一次~我還偷偷不吃飯存錢買了一萬八的電吉他和一萬二的效果器當作自己的18歲生日禮物,雖然沒有出名,但還是填滿了我不愛讀書的高中三年時光,【有做過就不會後悔,即使沒有成功,卻一定會留下回憶的!!】

Everybody wants something, just a little more
Makin’ a livin’ and hat we’re living for
A rich man or a poor man, a pawn or a king
he could live on the street, he could rule the whole world
but that don’t mean one damn thing

What do you got if you aint got love
Whatever you got
just ain’t enough
you’re walking a road
but you go nowhere
to find your way home
but there’s no one there
Who do you hold
in the dark of night
You wanna give up
but it’s worth to fight
You can have all the things
that you’ve been dreaming of

If you ain’t got someone you’re afraid to lose
Everybody needs just one, someone to tell them the truth
Maybe I’m a dreamer but I still believe
I believe in hope, I believe the change will get us up off our knees

What do you got if you aint got love
Whatever you got
just ain’t enough
you’re walking a road
but you go nowhere
trying find your way home
but there’s no one there
Who do you hold
in the dark of night
You wanna give up
but it’s worth to fight
You can have all the things
that you’ve been dreaming of
If you ain’t got love, its all just keeping score
If you ain’t got love, what the hell we doing it for

I don’t wanna have to talk about it,
How many songs you gotta sing about it
How long you gonna live without it
Why does some somewhere have to doubt it,
Someday you’ll figure it out

What do you got if you aint got love
Whatever you got
just ain’t enough
you’re walking a road
but you go nowhere
trying find your way home
but there’s no one there
Who do you hold
in the dark of night
You wanna give up
but it’s worth to fight
You can have all the things
that you’ve been dreaming of
If you ain’t got love, its all just keeping score
If you ain’t got love, what the hell we doing it for

Woahhh, I ain’t got, if you ain’t got
What do you got if you ain’t got love
What do you got if you ain’t got love



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